+7 (925) 862 7050

Workshop «Сonsumers of the future»

For whom

HR, training and development, talent development

15 people


2-6 hours

Objectives of the workshop

Become internal consultants on generations
Learn the full list of generational values and what goes out of it
Improve work with individual and group values – personal, generational, professional, etc.
Most of this information has been never published!

The content of the seminar

  1. Basics of "Theory of Generations"
  2. Areas of use generational approach in business
  3. Representation of the values ​​and characteristics of the generations with an explanation of how they were formed:
  4. • Baby Boomers (1943-1963)
    • X (1964-1984)
    • Millennium (1985-2003)
  5. Solutions: Work as a team generations - practical advice:
  6. Typical values ​​generational conflict.
  7. Working with individual and group values:
  8. How to develop group decisions based on values.
  9. Global changes in the world, associated with the change of generations
Generation Theory was created by American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss in 1991. Adaptation of Generation Theory for Russia was made by the team under the leadership of Evgeniya Shamis – founder and coordinator of the project RuGenerations, CEO of Sherpa S Pro.
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